On International Overdose Awareness Day, ICAP Debuts Innovative New Resource to Address Opioid Use Disorders

On International Overdose Awareness Day, ICAP Debuts Innovative New Resource to Address Opioid Use Disorders

(SiriusXM) ICAP’s Jessica Justman to be interviewed on the Perri Peltz Show

(SiriusXM) ICAP’s Jessica Justman to be interviewed on the Perri Peltz Show

ICAP Co-Develops Community Health Worker Training Materials with South Africa’s Department of Health

ICAP Co-Develops Community Health Worker Training Materials with South Africa’s Department of Health

ICAP Provides Virtual Trainings to Accelerate Roll-Out of HIV Recency Testing in Nigeria Amid the COVID-19 Pandemic

ICAP Provides Virtual Trainings to Accelerate Roll-Out of HIV Recency Testing in Nigeria Amid the COVID-19 Pandemic

(New Jersey Herald) ICAP’s Jessica Justman Weighs in on the Debate of Schools and Restaurants Reopening in New Jersey

(New Jersey Herald) ICAP’s Jessica Justman Weighs in on the Debate of Schools and Restaurants Reopening in New Jersey

ICAP’s Global COVID-19 Response Is Improving the Odds for Millions of People in Vulnerable Communities Around the World

ICAP’s Global COVID-19 Response Is Improving the Odds for Millions of People in Vulnerable Communities Around the World

(Insider) ICAP’s Susan Michaels-Strasser Discusses How Her Faith Tradition Informs Her Public Health Work

(Insider) ICAP’s Susan Michaels-Strasser Discusses How Her Faith Tradition Informs Her Public Health Work

CQUIN Virtual Workshop Puts Differentiated Service Delivery for Advanced HIV Disease in the Spotlight

CQUIN Virtual Workshop Puts Differentiated Service Delivery for Advanced HIV Disease in the Spotlight

(NYT) Wafaa El-Sadr: New Data Shows the Magnitude of the COVID-19 Pandemic in NYC

(NYT) Wafaa El-Sadr: New Data Shows the Magnitude of the COVID-19 Pandemic in NYC

(Mailman School) COVID-19 from Virus to Vaccine Biological, Clinical, and Public Health Dimensions Live-stream Lectures, Virtual Labs, and Discussions

(Mailman School) COVID-19 from Virus to Vaccine Biological, Clinical, and Public Health Dimensions Live-stream Lectures, Virtual Labs, and Discussions