(New York Times) Is It Safe to Have a New Year’s Eve Party?

(New York Times) Is It Safe to Have a New Year’s Eve Party?

(NPR) Coronavirus FAQ: Remind Me, How Do You Define Mild, Moderate and Severe COVID?

(NPR) Coronavirus FAQ: Remind Me, How Do You Define Mild, Moderate and Severe COVID?

(TBS eFM) Discussion on the Current Situation in the US with the Omicron Variant

(TBS eFM) Discussion on the Current Situation in the US with the Omicron Variant

(New York Times) Omicron and Holiday Travel: How to Strategize

(New York Times) Omicron and Holiday Travel: How to Strategize

(Vox) Omicron Collides with a Struggling Global Vaccination Campaign

(Vox) Omicron Collides with a Struggling Global Vaccination Campaign

(Bloomberg) Long Lines for Tests Frustrate New Yorkers

(Bloomberg) Long Lines for Tests Frustrate New Yorkers

(Curbed) Why Do NYC’s Wealthiest Neighborhoods Have the Highest Cases of COVID Right Now?

(Curbed) Why Do NYC’s Wealthiest Neighborhoods Have the Highest Cases of COVID Right Now?

(USA TODAY) ‘We Tend to Forget We’re Dealing with Humans’: Health Experts Mixed on New NFL COVID-19 Protocols

(USA TODAY) ‘We Tend to Forget We’re Dealing with Humans’: Health Experts Mixed on New NFL COVID-19 Protocols

(Today) What Should You Do if You Have Asymptomatic COVID-19?

(Today) What Should You Do if You Have Asymptomatic COVID-19?

(Fortune) Medical Experts Say You Should Do These 3 Things If You Plan to Gather or Travel This Week

(Fortune) Medical Experts Say You Should Do These 3 Things If You Plan to Gather or Travel This Week

(TBS News) Is it Safe to Fly? What the Experts Say

(TBS News) Is it Safe to Fly? What the Experts Say

(NPR) New York’s COVID Surge Comes Right as People Had Hoped to Prepare for Holiday Travel

(NPR) New York’s COVID Surge Comes Right as People Had Hoped to Prepare for Holiday Travel