Strategic Information

Strategic Information

Strategic information is the bedrock of every project that seeks to strengthen health systems and to prevent, prepare, and respond to health threats. ICAP supports ministries of health and other local stakeholders to increase capacity at all levels of the health system to generate and utilize timely, high-quality, granular data to make evidence-based decisions around priority public health activities.

ICAP’s comprehensive strategic information activities support initiatives to:

  • Support the collection of relevant, accurate, and complete surveillance and program data​​
  • Strengthen reporting​
  • Lead program evaluations​
  • Enhance data visualization and use​​
  • Improve resources allocation, service delivery, and achievements towards targets ​
  • Innovate new frameworks and strategies​

ICAP SI-Focused National and Multinational Projects​

DRC, Ethiopia, Lesotho, South Sudan, HIV Recent Infection Surveillance

ICAP Projects for Surveillance of Key Populations (KP) ​

Central Asia, Central America, Mozambique, Rwanda, Tanzania, Zambia

Surveillance and Epidemiology

Monitoring and Evaluation

Health Informatics and Statistics