ICAP is supporting the development and implementation of methods for quantifying geographic disparities within sub-Saharan African countries in order to give people living with HIV (PLHIV) the opportunity to access antiretroviral therapy (ART). ICAP support also...
In Nigeria, the burden of HIV among key populations is high, and the country has not made much progress in the control of HIV among this population. Also, states have made unequal progress in the design of differentiated service delivery (DSD) programs. The Global...
This project aims to provide high-quality technical assistance to the Ministry of Health in Tanzania to strengthen laboratory networks’ role in public health surveillance. ICAP in Tanzania supports strengthening laboratory governance for surveillance through the...
ICAP provided technical assistance to the Ukrainian Center for Public Health and worked in collaboration with the CDC and other PEPFAR implementing partners at above-site and site levels to support activities to improve the quality of HIV care and treatment services,...
ICAP is providing technical assistance to the Ukraine Center for Public Health to support and expand sentinel surveillance for respiratory diseases, support wastewater surveillance for SARS-CoV-2 and other public health threats, strengthen the capacity of the...