In a March 17 article, BBC News Brasil quoted ICAP’s senior technical director, Jessica Justman, MD, on containment and mitigation measures for the COVID-19 epidemic. Dr. Justman said while containment is focused on individuals, including testing, quarantine, contact tracking and other such measures, mitigation is focused at the community level.
In Portuguese:
“Eu acho uma boa ideia (o fechamento de fronteiras). Quanto mais se limitar a mistura de pessoas de uma área geográfica a outra, mais sucesso teremos em retardar a propagação”, diz à BBC News Brasil a especialista em doenças infecciosas Jessica Justman, professora da Columbia University, em Nova York.
In English (courtesy of Google Translate):
“I think it’s a good idea (the closing of borders). The more the mixing of people from one geographical area to another is limited, the more successful we will be in delaying the spread,” infectious disease expert Jessica Justman tells BBC News Brazil, professor at Columbia University in New York.
Read the full article on BBC News Brasil
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