Swaziland Survey Shows Impressive Progress in Confronting the HIV Epidemic
Key findings from the second Swaziland HIV Incidence Measurement Survey, SHIMS2, reveal impressive progress in confronting the HIV epidemic in the country. Results show a doubling in population viral load suppression since 2011 and a decrease by nearly half in the...
Press Release: Swaziland survey shows impressive progress in confronting the HIV epidemic
CONTACTS: Stephanie Berger Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health 212-305-4372 sb2247@columbia.edu Hugh Siegel ICAP at Columbia University 212-305-6533 hs3000@columbia.edu PARIS, JULY 24, 2017 Key findings from the second Swaziland HIV Incidence...
Measuring the HIV Epidemic: Lessons from Swaziland’s SHIMS Survey
The first Population-based HIV Impact Assessment survey results, released in late 2016, demonstrate the remarkable progress that has been made confronting the HIV epidemic in Malawi, Zambia, and Zimbabwe. The survey results also provide some of the first national HIV...