Key populations

Through a Community-Based Approach, Key Populations Guide Biobehavioral Survey Implementation in Malawi
In 2023, ICAP implemented a novel approach to conducting biobehavioral surveys among key populations (KP) in Malawi by engaging key populations in the planning of survey activities. Now in the launch phase of these surveys, key populations continue to be at the...
ICAP in DRC Provides HIV Health Services, and Supportive, Safe Spaces to Key Populations
“Within communities, key populations can often be isolated,” said Marcellin Makaya Lumbu, lead doctor at Centre de dépistage et de traitement des IST (CDTI) Katuba. “It’s important that we make them feel at home.” Nestled off a quiet street in Lubumbashi, Democratic...
ICAP in Malawi Supports Surveys Among Key Populations to Assess Progress Toward UNAIDS Targets, Inaugurating a Key Population Community Advisory Board
ICAP in Malawi is preparing to launch biobehavioral surveys among four key populations. In a novel approach, the survey team is engaging a newly established Community Advisory Board (CAB) of key population members to gain vital insight into all survey activities and...