ICAP’s senior technical director, Jessica Justman, MD, is featured in a March 12 Bloomberg article: “What the U.S. and Europe Can Learn From Asia’s Two-Month Virus Battle.”

“No matter how your health systems or political systems are organized, the keys to epidemic control remain the same” — test, trace, isolate and inform, said Jessica Justman, a professor of medicine in epidemiology at Columbia University.

Her quote also appears in a March 13 Bloomberg Quint article: “Mass Tests Vital to Map Virus Spread After First Death in India.”

Yet the keys to epidemic control remain the same for all countries, said Jessica Justman, a professor of medicine in epidemiology at the Columbia University Medical Center. She pinned it down to four elements — test, trace, isolate and inform.

These articles were picked up in several outlets, including The Straits Times, India’s Economic Times, and LiveMint. The article appears in Lithuanian on Delfi.lt.

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