
A Guardian Q&A panel on intimacy during the COVID-19 outbreak included Jessica Justman, MD, ICAP’s senior technical director and Associate Professor of Medicine in Epidemiology at the Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health.

So is it OK to have sex?
Justman: If you or your partner is a Covid-19 case, the advice is to steer clear of each other as much as possible. In fact, the New York City department of health has guidelines on this. If you’re a possible or confirmed case you should isolate yourself, ideally in a private residence until seven days after the illness began. You need to have had no fever for 72 hours, without using ibuprofen [see footnote] or anything that would mask your fever, and your respiratory symptoms should be improving.

Read the full article in the Guardian

This article also appears in the Irish Times and was quoted in the Huffington Post

Read the latest ICAP updates on COVID-19 here


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