Strengthening Strategic Information Activities in the Kingdom of Lesotho

ICAP is providing technical assistance to develop a web-based health management information system (HMIS) with IT and infrastructure support to roll out the system nationwide. This system will support facility- and district-level data entry, management, and use to strengthen evidence-based planning and monitoring of health programs and policies. The project is also supporting the Lesotho Ministry of Health in other domains of strategic information, including planning and coordination, implementation of HIV surveillance, and maintenance of an up-to-date master facility list with precise unique facility identifiers and GPS coordinates. Activities aim to transform the fragmented paper-based HMIS into a robust, streamlined electronic system and to build capacity at the national level to maintain and improve the system.

ICAP is also providing technical assistance to develop and establish infrastructure for the pilot, and roll out of a web based open-source health information exchange (HIE) platform. The HIE will enhance and complement Lesotho’s electronic health record (eRegister) system by identifying and tracking the movement of HIV patients across health facilities, de-duplicating multiple health records of an individual, identifying silent health facility transfers, and facilitating the sharing of information among health care providers for better care continuity. The HIE will also generate accurate reports on the ongoing scale-up and uptake of antiretroviral therapy (ART) and retention in ART programs.




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