
Strengthening Epidemiology and Strategic Information (SI) in the Republic of Zimbabwe

The goal of this project was to build the capacity of individuals, institutions, and the overall health system of Zimbabwe, and to develop and maintain a national, evidence-based HIV response using comprehensive, integrated, and accessible SI.

Its specific objectives were to:

1. Enhance the ability of national institutions to plan and coordinate SI activities.

2. Strengthen systems to monitor and evaluate the coverage, quality, and effectiveness of the national HIV response.

3. Improve systems to plan, conduct and implement comprehensive, high-quality surveys and surveillance to quantify and characterize the HIV epidemic, and

4. Strengthen human resources to support country ownership of sustainable SI activities.

Project implementation was driven by the collaborative efforts of ICAP staff based in Zimbabwe country office, staff seconded to the Ministry of Health and Child Care (MoHCC) and ICAP’s headquarters team in New York working in close coordination with CDC in Zimbabwe and Atlanta. The scope of work also included strengthening human resources to support country ownership of sustainable SI activities.




Our Approach

Impact Measurement

Health Challenges



PEPFAR through CDC