ICAP works in close collaboration with the Mozambique Ministry of Health (MISAU) to identify and scale up evidence-based, comprehensive HIV and TB interventions, including support to data systems and reports, in support of MISAU efforts to achieve the UNAIDS 95-95-95 goals among all populations. In Nampula province, ICAP supports the Provincial and District Health Management Teams to identify and implement targeted interventions to improve HIV prevention care and treatment —including the scale-up of pre-exposure prophylaxis among priority populations, HIV case identification, rapid ART initiation using optimized regimens, treatment monitoring, including viral load cascade, and differentiated service delivery to improve access to health services within Mozambique’s largest province. In Maputo City, Maputo, and Zambezia provinces, ICAP works to promote HIV prevention through targeted demand creation and provision of voluntary medical male circumcision services to men. In addition, ICAP is supporting COVID-19 prevention and case management in all supported provinces.
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Advancing Sustainable Implementation of Comprehensive HIV/TB Services for Epidemic Control in the Republic of Mozambique Under PEPFAR