

The 2022 invasion of Ukraine degraded pre-existing public health surveillance and response capacities at national and regional levels and created additional public health threats. To support immediate public health needs and ongoing recovery efforts in Ukraine, ICAP is collaborating with the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to provide technical assistance to Ukraine’s public health system. The priority areas ICAP addresses include antimicrobial resistance response (AMR) prevention detection and response, respiratory disease surveillance, wastewater surveillance for SARS-CoV-2 and other major health threats, and laboratory response network strengthening for emergency preparedness and response.

A person in protective clothing, mask, and gloves works in a lab, using a tool to handle petri dishes next to a flame.


Public Health Emergency Management (PHEM) Training Program

  • Multi-Country,
  • current
The Eastern Europe and Central Asia (EECA) Public Health Emergency Management (PHEM) training program is a pivotal initiative that aims to build the capacity of in-country workforce to prepare for, respond to, and recover from public health emergencies efficiently and effectively. The first cohort has brought together 18 fellows from eight countries across EECA, including ...

The Eastern Europe and South Caucasus (EESC) Intermediate Field Epidemiology Training Program (FETP-I)

  • Multi-Country,
  • current
The Eastern Europe and South Caucasus (EESC) Intermediate Field Epidemiology Training Program (FETP-I) is a 10-month learning-by-doing applied training program that prepares the public health workforce – and developing leaders – to investigate and respond to major disease outbreaks more effectively. Since 2022, ICAP at Columbia University, in partnership with the U.S. Centers for Disease ...

Ukraine Recovery Project

  • current
ICAP is providing technical assistance to the Ukraine Center for Public Health to support and expand sentinel surveillance for respiratory diseases, support wastewater surveillance for SARS-CoV-2 and other public health threats, strengthen the capacity of the laboratory response network at all levels for emergency preparedness and response, and support national antimicrobial resistance response efforts.  ...

ICAP in Ukraine

Program Start
  • 2017 to 2019; 2022 to present
Key Technical Areas
  • Global Health Security
  • Infection Prevention and Control
  • Laboratory Strengthening
  • Technical Assistance
  • Strengthening Health Systems
  • Human Resources for Health
Current Funders
  • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

National Program Coordinator

A person with short, light brown hair and blue eyes is posing against a plain background. They are wearing a white shirt and resting their chin on their hand, looking directly at the camera with a gentle expression.Oksana Dereviankina, MD, MBA

Dr. Oksana Dereviankina is ICAP’s program coordinator and country representative for Ukraine. She is responsible for the overall oversight, operational planning, and implementation of ICAP activities in Ukraine. In this role, she leads the coordination of activities funded by the Ukraine Health Security Assistance Portfolio in support of Ukrainian health system recovery.

Dr. Dereviankina is a trained epidemiologist with tremendous multidisciplinary practical experience focused on strengthening public health. Her professional path is embroidered by implemented projects for shaping human life standards towards a better quality of life. Her achievements include implementing an “ABC Nutrition” educational program for children in Ukraine and Moldova as part of a preliminary school curriculum in 2009.

Since 2020, she has also supported activities to restore access to basic health services and ensure the proper and timely delivery of humanitarian aid to refugees as part of the Ukrainian delegation of the International Committee of the Red Cross.


  • Coming Soon

Jobs in Ukraine

See the ICAP careers page to search all job listings.