

The Nurse Education Partnership Initiative


Democratic Republic of the Congo

ICAP’s work in the Democratic Republic of the Congo focuses on HIV prevention, care, and treatment strategies for those who are hardest to reach, including children and adolescents, as well as key populations such as commercial sex workers and men who have sex with men (MSM). In addition, ICAP is working with the Ministry of Health to strengthen human resources for health (HRH) to address public health challenges such as HIV/AIDS, malaria, and tuberculosis, and to increase the resiliency of the DRC’s health systems in the face of emergencies such as disease outbreaks, natural disasters, or civil conflicts.

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Portraits of women waiting to receive/receiving care at Wahil clinic. Located far down a rural road Whail is the only clinic for 25km making it an essential link for rural health in the area.
Exciting developments in Ethiopia hold great promise for sustainable national ownership of high-quality HIV/AIDS programs and increased capacity to address the country’s significant malaria burden. These include enhanced strategic information systems, innovative approaches to increase efficiency and reduce burdens on both patients and health care workers, and capacity-building efforts at the national and regional levels to provide necessary support. ICAP is also working with the Federal Ministry of Health on the EPHIA HIV population-based survey to assess the impact of national HIV response efforts.

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HIV and tuberculosis (TB) are a deadly combination, and migrant miners are at increased risk for both—and for spreading infection to their families when visiting home. ICAP is working with the Lesotho Ministry of Health to ensure comprehensive prevention, testing, and treatment for HIV and TB by training health workers, locating health services in places where miners gather, and rolling out prevention and screening for miners’ families. ICAP is also strengthening national health information systems to support disease surveillance, linkage and retention in care, and ultimately epidemic control

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To assess the impact of Malawi’s national HIV response and guide future investment and programs, ICAP worked with the Ministry of Health to implement the MPHIA HIV population-based survey, which estimated prevalence, incidence, and access to HIV prevention, care, and treatment services. Ongoing analysis of MPHIA data will continue to inform national health strategy.

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South Africa

Evaluation, impact measurement, and quality improvement form the core of ICAP’s work in South Africa. ICAP is also implementing two studies on women living with HIV—one focusing on post-pregnancy health service use and another on age and breast cancer diagnosis—as well as a peer influencer program engaging nursing students (mostly young women aged 19-24) in promoting HIV self-testing and health services among their peers and social networks

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Empowering women and girls with access to sexual and reproductive health services, including family planning and HIV testing and counseling, can be an effective strategy in the drive to achieve HIV epidemic control. In Zambia, ICAP is partnering with the Ministry of Health to test innovative models of service provision and ensure sufficient numbers of well-trained nurses and midwives to support national health priorities. Additionally, ICAP provided technical assistance for the ZAMPHIA HIV population-based survey and an integrated bio-behavioral survey among key populations..

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