Reports and Briefs

ICAP Technical Brief: Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP)

ICAP Technical Brief: Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP)

This brief highlights ICAP’s decades of HIV prevention, care, and treatment work and innovations in scale-up, including differentiated service delivery models, that lay the groundwork for integrating PrEP into a robust continuum of prevention services that is...
ICAP Technical Brief: Male Engagement

ICAP Technical Brief: Male Engagement

This brief highlights ICAP’s approach to meaningful male engagement, which is critical to expanding HIV testing uptake, preventing new HIV infections, and improving the health and wellbeing of men living with HIV and their partners. The benefits of male...
ICAP Technical Brief: Key Populations

ICAP Technical Brief: Key Populations

This brief highlights ICAP’s technical approach for reaching key populations that is grounded in the provision of a full range of evidence-informed HIV prevention, care, and treatment services tailored to the context and population-specific needs of female sex...
ICAP Technical Brief: HIV Testing

ICAP Technical Brief: HIV Testing

This brief highlights ICAP’s HIV testing strategies to reach people living with HIV who are unaware of their status. ICAP’s resource-efficient approach to HIV testing maximizes both coverage and yield. Strategies focus available resources on the populations and...
ICAP Technical Brief: Data Use

ICAP Technical Brief: Data Use

This brief highlights ICAP’s use of data to drive action by supporting governments, national HIV programs, and other stakeholders to strengthen the collection and use of data at all levels of the health system—from health facilities and communities to data...
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