
Comparison of Pregnancy Incidence Among African Women in a Randomized Trial of Intramuscular Depot Medroxyprogesterone Acetate (DMPA-IM), a Copper Intrauterine Device (IUDs) or a Levonorgestrel (LNG) Implant for Contraception
Onono, M., Nanda, K., Heller, K. B., Taylor, D., Yacobson, I., Heffron, R., Kasaro, M. P., Louw, C. E., Nhlabasti, Z., Palanee-Phillips, T., Smit, J., Wakhungu, I., Gichangi, P. B., Mugo, N. R., Morrison, C., Baeten, J. M., & Evidence for Contraceptive Options and...
Provider Attitudes About Childhood Tuberculosis Prevention in Lesotho: A Qualitative Study
Hirsch-Moverman, Y., Mantell, J. E., Lebelo, L., Howard, A. A., Hesseling, A. C., Nachman, S., Frederix, K., Maama, L. B., & El-Sadr, W. M. (2020). BMC health services research, 20(1), 461. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12913-020-05324-0 Abstract...
Birth Testing for Infant HIV Diagnosis in Eswatini: Implementation Experience and Uptake Among Women Living With HIV in Manzini Region
Teasdale, C. A., Tsiouris, F., Mafukidze, A., Shongwe, S., Choy, M., Nhlengetfwa, H., Simelane, S., Mthethwa, S., Ao, T., Ryan, C., Dale, H., Rivadeneira, E., & Abrams, E. J. (2020). The Pediatric infectious disease journal, 10.1097/INF.0000000000002734. Advance...