TB and TB / HIV - Tuberculosis
Jan 19, 2017 | Stories from the Field
Lesotho has the second highest HIV prevalence in the world and over 70 percent of tuberculosis (TB) patients are HIV-positive. Lesotho’s many migrant mine workers are at particularly high risk of acquiring TB and HIV due to working conditions in the mines and other...
Oct 10, 2016 | News
Through a new five-year award from PEPFAR through the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), ICAP will continue its partnership with the Government of Mozambique to lead a second transformational scale up of HIV services that is necessary to achieve control...
Jul 6, 2016 | News
Last month, in Ethiopia’s Dire Dawa Region, ICAP met with over 80 health care providers and regional health authorities to share the findings of an implementation science research study looking at innovative approaches to prevent tuberculosis (TB) among people living...
Apr 18, 2016 | News
Expanding TB and HIV care at medication-assisted treatment sites for people who inject drugs in Central Asia Despite efforts by health authorities to advance HIV prevention through needle exchange programs and medication-assisted treatment (MAT) for people who inject...
Apr 4, 2016 | News
Initial findings from ICAP’s multi-year study in Lesotho on HIV treatment initiation and retention in patients with HIV and TB were released at a dissemination meeting in Berea District, coinciding with the country’s World TB Day activities. In attendance were...