Mar 21, 2019 | In the Media, News
ICAP’s Resilient and Responsive Health Systems (RRHS) project in Sierra Leone, funded by the U.S. Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), advances nursing and midwifery through strengthening workforce capacity, improving systems to support human...
Mar 5, 2019 | Stories from the Field
In Kazakhstan, women hold two-thirds of all medical positions, with a similar proportion in neighboring Tajikistan and the Kyrgyz Republic. In the ICAP-supported East-Kazakhstan Oblast AIDS Center, however, women make up a remarkable 90 percent of the medical...
Jan 16, 2019 | Stories from the Field
Judy Khanyola, MSc, is ICAP’s Regional Nursing Advisor, based in Kenya. She was recently appointed as the Africa representative for NursingNow, a three-year global campaign to raise the profile and status of nurses worldwide. Here, Ms. Khanyola talks about what drew...
Oct 11, 2018 | Stories from the Field
Near the shore in a bustling neighborhood in Freetown stands the Princess Christian Maternity Hospital (PCMH), the national referral maternity hospital in Sierra Leone. Nicknamed the “Cottage Hospital,” PCMH houses the National School of Midwifery (NSM), which trains...
Jul 28, 2018 | In the Media, News
Nurses should not be afraid to raise their voices and be heard against the background of an ever-increasing dominance of medicalisation and reliance on data gathering in the HIV response. For Susan Strasser, Senior Implementation Director of ICAP’s global portfolio of...