Mar 18, 2020 | In the Media, News
NY City Lens asked Susan Michaels-Strasser, PhD, MPH, RN, FAAN, ICAP’s senior director of human resources for health (HRH) development, about personal protective equipment in light of COVID-19 concerns. Do we need to wear masks? The answer is no. Most masks that...
Mar 17, 2020 | In the Media, News
In a March 17 article, BBC News Brasil quoted ICAP’s senior technical director, Jessica Justman, MD, on containment and mitigation measures for the COVID-19 epidemic. Dr. Justman said while containment is focused on individuals, including testing, quarantine,...
Mar 17, 2020 | In the Media, News
ICAP’s senior technical director, Jessica Justman, MD, is featured in a March 17 MarketWatch article about social distancing. “If we really do a good job with social distancing, and we see the expected impact on the number of new cases, I think that could in...
Mar 17, 2020 | In the Media, News
A March 17 Newsweek article on the symptoms and spread of COVID-19 quotes ICAP’s senior technical director, Jessica Justman, MD: The new member of the large coronavirus family of pathogens does not appear to infect the body in a particularly unique way, Jessica...
Mar 16, 2020 | In the Media, News
ICAP’s senior technical director, Jessica Justman, MD, is featured in a March 16 Guardian Q&A about social distancing. Is it safe to have friends over? Dr. Jessica Justman: “If gatherings are small, I am still going to say it’s generally OK, depending on who...