Apr 13, 2020 | In the Media, News
Tunisia’s Express FM radio station interviewed ICAP’s Andrea Low, MD, PhD, HIV clinical and scientific director for the PHIA Project, on April 13 about the COVID-19 pandemic (audio in French): Listen to the full segment on Express FM’s Facebook Page...
Apr 11, 2020 | In the Media, News
On April 11, MarÃa Lahuerta, PhD, MPH, ICAP’s deputy director of strategic information, answered questions about the COVID-19 pandemic on Spanish radio station Ondacero. Listen to the full segment on the Ondacero website (in Spanish) Read the latest ICAP updates...
Apr 8, 2020 | Events, Webinars
This special webinar is co-hosted by ICAP at Columbia University and the Columbia Global Centers in Nairobi and Tunis. Wednesday, April 15, 2020, 10:00 a.m. EDT (2:00 p.m. Abidjan; 4:00 p.m. Johannesburg; 5:00 p.m. Nairobi; 8:00 p.m. Almaty; 8:30 p.m. Yangon) Welcome:...
Apr 7, 2020 | In the Media, News
In an April 7 interview with Spanish station Telecinco, ICAP deputy director of strategic information MarÃa Lahuerta, PhD, MPH, explained that COVID-19 prevention practices such as wearing a mask, washing hands, and keeping social distance must be maintained to avoid...
Apr 7, 2020 | In the Media, News
On April 7, 2020, Susan Michaels-Strasser, PhD, MPH, RN, FAAN, ICAP’s senior director of human resources for health (HRH) development, spoke to the importance of protecting health workers on the front lines of the COVID-19 response: We really have to safeguard our...