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Dec 22, 2022 | News, Stories from the Field
High-Level CDC Foundation Team Visits ICAP-Supported IPC Facilities in Ethiopia related to COVID-19 Screening, Monitoring, Isolation and Cohorting (COSMIC) Project In March 2020, Ethiopia reported its first COVID-19 case signaling the emerging threats to Ethiopia’s...Dec 20, 2022 | News
ICAP at Columbia University has released results from Round Two of the SILVER Study, providing insight into the challenges presented by COVID-19 to older adults living at home in New York City. The results reveal a range of key issues – from mental health effects to...Dec 14, 2022 | In the Media
“We’re in a very different place today than we were two years ago, or even one year ago,” says Dr Wafaa El-Sadr, professor of epidemiology and medicine at Columbia University’s Mailman School of Public Health. “We have a deeper understanding about this virus, how we...Dec 14, 2022 | In the Media
“Yes, vaccinations and boosters help prevent long Covid, and yes it’s also a roll of the dice,” says Jessica Justman, an infectious diseases specialist and epidemiologist at Columbia University.Dec 14, 2022 | In the Media
“It’s a pretty broad range of experience in terms of the severity of the second bout of long COVID,” Dr. Jessica Justman, an associate professor of epidemiology at Columbia University, who was not involved in the survey, told Yahoo News. “The bottom line was: If you...Join our mailing list to receive the latest news and updates from our team.