Jan 25, 2023 | In the Media
“We do, sadly, still have more deaths related to COVID than I think is acceptable,” Dr. Jessica Justman, an infectious disease physician at Columbia University and senior technical director of the ICAP global health program. “[But] I will say we are in a much better...Jan 12, 2023 | In the Media
“The low uptake of the most recently recommended booster vaccine dose leaves many in the U.S. at risk for Covid-19 and its consequences,” Dr. El-Sadr said.Jan 12, 2023 | In the Media
Covid-19 is in a relatively “stable” state right now in the United States, but the nation still sees about 350 deaths related to the disease each day, said Dr. Jessica Justman, an associate professor of medicine in epidemiology at Columbia University Mailman School of...Jan 12, 2023 | In the Media
Dr. Wafaa El-Sadr discusses the COVID surge in China.Jan 12, 2023 | In the Media
“Not only [the] US but the world overall should be quite concerned about what’s happening in China,” El Sadr said.Join our mailing list to receive the latest news and updates from our team.