*Friday and Saturday, July 18-19*
*7th International Workshop on HIV Pediatrics*
<a href=”{filedir_2}7th-HIV-Pediatrics_Final-Program-20151.pdf”>View full program </a>
*Saturday, July 18*
*ICAP Pre-Conference Meeting*
*Achieving Quality & Demonstrating Impact in Global HIV Programs*
<a href=”{filedir_2}ICAP_Pre-Meeting_IAS_2015_AGENDA_7_13_15.pdf”>View full program</a>
*Monday, July 20*
*Hall B, West Exhibition Level*
+A comparison of strategies to recruit Black men who have sex with men with undiagnosed HIV infection and/or unsuppressed viral load+
*Ballroom C-D 2:30 – 4:00pm*
+HPTN 067 ADAPT results from MSM in Harlem+
Sharon Mannheimer on behalf of HPTN 067 team
+Patterns of Sex and PrEP in Harlem MSM: A qualitative study (HPTN 067)+
Julie Franks on behalf of HPTN 067 team
*Tuesday, July 21*
*Hall B, West Exhibition Level*
+Missed opportunities to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease amongst people living with HIV: high prevalence of untreated cardiovascular disease risk factors at an HIV clinic in South Africa+
+Who doesn’t disclose their HIV-positive status? Patterns of disclosure and factors associated with not disclosing to a spouse of primary sexual partner among TB-HIV patients initiating antiretrovial therapy in Lesotho+
*Ballroom B 11:00 – 12:30pm*
+Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of tenofovir reduced-glycerin 1% gel in the rectal and vaginal compartments in women: a cross-compartmental study with directly observed dosing+
Jessica Justman on behalf of MTN 014
*Wednesday, July 22 1:00 – 2:00pm*
*Ballroom A*
+Co-morbidity and Aging in HIV: A Global Challenge+
*Hall B, West Exhibition Level*
+Patient preferences for antiretroviral treatment during pregnancy under Option B+ in Zambezia, Mozambique+
+Optimizing health information systems for Option B+ in Swaziland+
+Prevalence of risk factors for non-communicable diseases and co-morbid conditions among adult persons living with HIV initiating antiretrovial therapy in Kenya+