ICAP will have the opportunity to share findings from programmatic and research activities it supports at the upcoming “Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections (CROI)”:http://retroconference.org/ on March 3-6 in Atlanta, Georgia. CROI brings together over 4,000 clinicians and researchers from around the world to exchange information and ultimately improve actions against the HIV epidemic.

This year, presenters will discuss antiretroviral therapy in Rwanda, the relationship between CD4 count and enrollment into HIV care, and the effects of HIV programming on the population in Swaziland. A poster presentation about tuberculosis screening among people living with HIV in South Africa will also be shared.

*Featured ICAP Presentations*

Tuesday, March 5, 10:30 am
Determinants of Mortality and Loss to Follow-up among Adult Patients in Pre-ART Care and on ART: Rwanda

Tuesday, March 5, 11:00 am
CD4+ Count and Late Enrollment into HIV Care: Comparison between 2006 and 2011 in 4 Sub-Saharan African Countries

Tuesday, March 5, 11:15 am
Population HIV Viral Load Estimate in Swaziland: Assessing ART Program Effectiveness and Transmission Potential

Tuesday, March 5, 2:30-4:00 pm
Evaluation of Symptom-based Screening for TB among People Living with HIV in the Era of ART: Eastern Cape, South Africa

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