ICAP collaborated with the Ministry of Health to increase access to TB and HIV services for miners and ex-miners in Lesotho, aiming to improve coverage and quality of TB control and occupational lung disease services and to strengthen regional capacity to manage the...
To address high rates of TB among Lesotho’s migrant workers, ICAP forged a public-private partnership with TEBA, the country’s largest mining recruitment company. The project established clinics at TEBA offices in Maseru, Mafeteng, and Leribe as non-traditional points...
ICAP provided technical assistance to increase the provision of high-quality HIV and TB services throughout the Mozambique health system. At the district level, this included capacity building and implementation support to health directorates in Nampula and Zambezia...
ICAP provided technical assistance to the Centre for Health Solutions in the provision of quality HIV care and treatment services for adults and children, integrated TB/HIV activities, PMTCT, and monitoring and...