The Fleming Fund represents the UK Government’s investment into improving laboratory capacity for diagnosis and surveillance of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) in low-income countries where AMR has a disproportionate impact. The Fleming Fund will do this through support to implementation of AMR National Action Plans by making investments in:
building laboratory capacity;
collecting drug resistance data;
enabling the sharing of drug resistance data locally, regionally and internationally;
collating and analyzing data on the sale and use of antimicrobials medicines, particularly antibiotics;
advocating the application of these data to promote the rational use of antimicrobials for human health, animal health and agriculture;
and shaping a sustainable system for AMR surveillance and data sharing.
The Project will use a “One Health” approach which encompasses work in human, animal (agriculture) and environmental health. This approach recognizes that the nature of drug resistant infections and their spread often involved pathogens which spread to and from animals (for example, pigs and poultry) to humans; and that environmental exposure to antimicrobial agents is a key factor in driving the emergence and spread of drug resistant infections.