Responsive and Resilient Health Systems (RRHS) Initiative

The Resilient and Responsive Health Systems Initiative project targeted the strengthening of pre and in-service nursing and midwifery training, integrating RMNCH and HIV/TB, improving HIV service delivery through innovative interventions, and improving HIV services access for key populations through community interventions.

The project sought to decrease maternal and child mortality rates, decrease HIV infection among general and key populations, and eventually contribute to HIV epidemic control in line with UNAIDS’ 95:95:95 goal.

The RRHS project has contributed to:

  1. The creation of an improved and innovative learning environment for students in five Nursing and Midwifery Schools to gain first-hand experience in managing complex obstetric complications and providing high-quality care. The project also refurbished and equipped five clinical simulation skills laboratories with high-fidelity mannequins, upgraded five libraries with over 186 nursing and midwifery practice textbooks, and supplied computers and the internet to computer labs to enable student access to global teaching and learning resources.
  2. The review and update of the consolidated HIV prevention, care, and treatment guidelines and training materials, increased the capacity of the National AIDS Control Program to coordinate the implementation of HIV services, improved critical health infrastructure in four of 15 ICAP-supported health facilities, increased capacity of over 2000 health care workers by equipping them with skills to deliver quality HIV services.
  3. Improved capacity of nursing and midwifery students in training institutions (NSM, SOMM, COMAHS, Njala University) to influence positive change and enhance the implementation of the E-MTCT strategy.


Multi-Country, Past, Current


Our Approach

Training and Education

Health Challenges

HIV/AIDS, Maternal and Child Health
