Reaching Impact, Saturation and Epidemic Control (RISE)

RISE is a 5-year global project designed to help countries achieve a shared vision of attaining and maintaining epidemic control with stronger local partners capable of managing and achieving results with direct funding and sustainable, self-reliant, and resilient health systems by 2024. RISE’s contributions to this work will lead to decreased HIV-related morbidity and mortality, decreased numbers of new HIV infections, increased quality of life for PLHIV, and decreased numbers of people at risk for acquiring HIV.

RISE supports USAID PEPFAR countries in achieving and maintaining epidemic control through strategic technical assistance and direct service delivery to improve HIV prevention, case finding, and treatment programming. The primary objectives of the RISE project are to:

  1. Attain and maintain HIV epidemic control among at-risk adult men, women, and priority populations;
  2. Attain and maintain HIV epidemic control among key populations in RISE-supported countries;
  3. Strengthened health systems, including improved program management, health information systems, human resources for health utilization, and financial systems to ensure the attainment and maintenance of epidemic control; and
  4. to support the transition to capable local partners to meet the PEPFAR goal of 70% of funding to local partners by 2020.


Angola HIV Community Project — The overall goal of the USAID RISE-Angola project is to support the Government of the Republic of Angola’s fight to end HIV/AIDS as a public health threat by 2030 by building a strong public health system and making progressive steps towards reaching UNAIDS 95/95/95 goals for all ages, genders, and populations through the implementation of quality and effective HIV community service models in the areas surrounding the 22 PEPFAR-supported sites in four focus provinces of the country. 


RISE in Burundi is implemented by a Jhpiego-led consortium of local partners, including ICAP, with the goal of closing the performance gaps across the HIV clinical cascade and maintaining program achievements while supporting four provinces including Kirundo, Ngozi, Kayanza, and Bujumbura Marie to be better positioned to graduate from PEPFAR support through reinforcing local ownership and sustainable results and contributing to overall stronger country-led HIV/AIDS programs at provincial level.

Project Brief


Multi-Country, Current


Our Approach


Health Challenges

