Building upon ICAP’s current approach and capacity to support surveillance systems in Zimbabwe. ICAP provided support to the Zimbabwe’s Ministry of Health and Child Care (MoHCC) in contact tracing for COVID-19 patients at sub-national level in prioritized provinces to follow up with suspected and confirmed COVID cases for line listing and daily monitoring. Strengthening of databases, including procurement of tablets and airtime for data transmission for contact tracing using Open Data Kit (ODK) platform, was conducted so that data from contact tracing is sent to the national database. ICAP also supported the MOHCC efforts of harmonizing data sources and flow in data management. In addition, the ICAP team supported community events specifically in the rural areas by convening local government, community leaders, church leaders, chiefs and village heads and village health workers COVID-19 trainings.
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Our Approach
Impact Measurement
Health Challenges
PEPFAR through CDC