COVID-19 response – Zhao Major Gift Fund

Through a special gift from Dr. Bing Zhao, ICAP provided direct support to the COVID-19 response in Nampula province through the secondment of additional staff to increase the capacity of provincial and district health directorates. Through this support, ICAP provided a COVID-19 case management coordinator to oversee case finding and contact tracing activities and two data clerks to input patient data into the national electronic database (DHIS). ICAP purchased PPE (including gloves, masks, aprons, face visors and eye protection) to protect health care workers on the frontlines of the COVID response at the Nampula Isolation Center.

In addition, the initiative is supported the development and distribution of enhanced monitoring tools and processes at the district and provincial levels—including tools for weekly reporting of key public health indicators at the district level, longitudinal registers and transfer forms to track patient clinical outcomes, patient screening documentation, and contact tracing forms.




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Health Challenges



Bing Zhao