OverviewPSAGTA Project With more than 17 years of experience providing impactful and sustainable technical assistance, capacity building and implementation support to ministries of health and other stakeholders in more than 30 PEPFAR-supported countries, ICAP’s teams...
Columbia University’s role as a PEPFAR implementing partner began in 2003, when it received funding from the Global AIDS Program of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) under the University Technical Assistance Projects (UTAP) to support the...
As countries strived to reach the UNAIDS 90–90–90 targets, the focus of the Optimizing Momentum Toward Sustainable Epidemic Control (OpCon) project was on achieving sustainable epidemic control. OpCon was a global initiative led by ICAP and funded by PEPFAR through...
ICAP and the Mailman School of Public Health are partnering with the Instituto Superior de Ciencias de Saude (ISCISA) to create an accredited health care management and administration degree program, including knowledge and skills transfer and direct mentorship by...
PHIA is a multi-country initiative led by ICAP, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and ministries of health in PEPFAR-supported countries. Each survey offers household-based HIV counseling and testing conducted by trained survey staff, with...