May 11, 2023
ICAP, in partnership with the Kyrgyz and Tajikistan Ministries of Health, the national and local AIDS centers, and primary health care facilities, is building national and local capacity to provide high-quality HIV prevention, testing, and treatment services for...Mar 23, 2023
In close partnership with MOH, ICAP is supporting the national response to the COVID-19 pandemic by ensuring frontline health workers in Ethiopia are equipped with adequate knowledge, policies, and infrastructure to deliver safe and effective care for patients with...Mar 14, 2023
ICAP worked in close collaboration with the CDC and the National Institute of Health (INS) to strengthen Mozambique’s national disease surveillance system. ICAP supported INS efforts to strengthen infection prevention and control (IPC) measures, coupled with disease...Feb 23, 2023
With this two-year study, ICAP evaluated the therapeutic effectiveness of drugs currently used in Ethiopia against malaria, arthemeterlumefantrine and chloroquine. The research assessed the safety and efficacy of primaquine when used in combination with the existing...Feb 16, 2023
The Global Health Security (GHS) project supports medium- and long-term health systems strengthening efforts to prevent, detect, and respond to infectious disease threats to health in Kenya.Join our mailing list to receive the latest news and updates from our team.