This month, ICAP and the “Department of Epidemiology”:http://www.mailman.columbia.edu/academic-departments/epidemiology at the Mailman School of Public Health welcomed five Global HIV Implementation Science Research Fellows. The program will ready three pre-doctoral and two post-doctoral fellows for careers as independently-funded researchers.

We are pleased to welcome: Eleanor Hayes-Larson, Stephanie Kujawski, Anton Palma, Dr. Ayesha Sania and Dr. Matthew Thomann

As part of their training, fellows receive a training plan tailored to their individual research plan, mentorship, weekly faculty-fellow seminars, research placements in domestic and international locations, and opportunities for conference presentations, manuscript writing and grant preparation support.

The program is led by Dr. Andrea Howard, director of the clinical and training unit at ICAP and Associate Professor of Epidemiology at Columbia University Medical Center. Funding for the Global Implementation Science Research Training Program is provided by the NIH’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.

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